Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Flad The Inhaler | | | | | | |
Nina | | | | | | |
Peter | | | | | | |
Dean Withrow | | | | | | |
Cesar SpeedSeeker | | | | | | |
Average | 32.48 | 31.37 | 13.52 | 17.69 | 19.07 | 61.10 |
Flad The Inhaler (1699km):
4915 days ago 1 categories  Crazy day both north and south sides of Fogland. Naish Edge 4.5 and Carve 99 on the south from 10:30 for about an hour. Got a leg cramp out in the river so spent the afternoon on the north side, first on a 5.5 Naish Edge and then back to 4.5. iWindsurf says it was blowing 22 to 42 between 12:30 and 1:30. Sometimes I was too overpowered to control a speed run attempt. Great day!
Nina (10682km):
4915 days ago 2 categories   Skate 100, Manic 5.3, Waves, Cape Hatteras, NC. Beautiful day. Had a hard time going upwind on the new 18 cm freestyle fin. Tried some shove its, duck jibes, flaka exercises, and vulcans. ABK Clinic next week will be great!
Peter (49702km):
4915 days ago Hawk 95, GPS 6.6, Waves, NC. Great day, sunny, shorties, 19-24 mph winds. Sailed the GPS 6.6 the first time - what a difference to the Pilot! Almost impossible to waterstart in marginal conditions... but felt so slippery. Took me a while to get dry jibes and go upwind. After driving 15 hours through the night with Nina, I did not have enough energy left when I finally was dialed in to make it to the slicks at Real - otherwise, this combo should have delivered 1-2 more knots. Still, a great first day, even if we did not get the crazy winds we left back home.
Dean Withrow (5614km):
4914 days ago Beautiful day on Cape Cod. Warm and windy. I sailed alone at the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis, MA. High tide provided flat water and strong gusts. Unfortunately, it was impossible to sail off the wind. My peak speeds were at 100*, barely past 90... The nicest section was about 120 meters and square to the wind. Too bad, it could have been much faster. Coulda, shoulda, woulda... still lots of fun and the potential is there for short, fast reaches.
All good, gorgeous day! 
Cesar SpeedSeeker (118km):
4913 days ago 2 categories  