Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
nudie | | | | | | |
Liver | | | | | | |
bushfire | | | | | | |
TERRY | | | | | | |
jdemol | | | | | | |
Mike |
the new guy |
Eckers |
MT |
bj |
Wilba |
mdemol |
philip watts |
Mudcrab |
Ken |
Pat |
JuJu |
Windsurfunstu |
Chris |
Matt R |
youngy |
Jetlag |
Gerry |
Witto |
Big Z |
Mexican Pete |
TallPaul |
Average | 38.95 | 34.93 | 21.57 | 22.40 | 31.03 | 108.51 |
nudie (5779km):
4589 days ago 2 categories   Lake Illawarra, Primbee NSW, AU, JP Super Cross 96, Severne Gator 4.7,
Great morning WEST.
Sorry Leo took your car spot today, It looked lonley .
Shallow, but did sail close to the edge now I know the differance.
Had a great little race with 1 fella.
Grate to see the boys out hope to catch up soon again loving this speed stuff fells like im flying .
Had to go night shift tonight should take my gear tonight and try it in the harbour
Liver (5716km):
4589 days ago 1 categories  Lake Illawarra, NSW, AU
A bit choppy but great fun
bushfire (26346km):
4589 days ago Lake Illawarra, NSW, AU. Primbee, WNW some gusts up to 40knots. Quite gusty and normal westerly cyclic.
Woohoo - finally got to 40 knots - figures taken from RealSpeed. It was a case of catching a gust in the right part of the lake when already bearing away. The gustiness made it quite uncomfortable, but really stoked with the result .
A great day for the team, and tops catching up with Garry & Simon.
Rigged the R3 on a 430 bottom and 400 top - a bit long but seemed to work very well with great camber rotation.
JP Speed 49, SV R3 5.6, MU Delta Slalom 17.6
TERRY (46308km):
4588 days ago Lake Illawarra, NSW, AU Big Friday at Primbee, Pit crew, Busters, Speedsters, but no Cockies.
Mark, I thought it would drop you under 35 kts, but all P.Bs, WOW
Tex arrived at 3.00 in his new boardshorts but did not get them wet.
Glen your the BOSS.
F2 Sputnik 265 [not as old as me] Loft 4.7 lip wave
jdemol (2027km):
4588 days ago 2 categories   Lake Illawarra, NSW, AU
Busy at work, only got home at 5:15 but the wind was so good couldn't help myself, tore down to the lake, arrived at the yacht clube at 5:35 as it was getting dark, rigged up and launched onto a monster gust, bore away behind the jetty into the bay (my favorite little run) and got a pb on the first run :) No more wind after that really, very picturesque watching the colourful sunset though as it got dark.
Chopped slalom board ~85 L, with 6.0m np v8 and custom 23 weed fin