col (16343km):
4349 days ago 1 categories Melville Beach, WA, AU Falcon 101,7.0 RII. Cruisy day out on the water burning up some calories which I am about to go out and replenish 3 times over
Troutty Trousers (AKA Fish Pants) (20226km):
4349 days ago Pelican Point, WA, AU
Isonic 117/107 Reflex 7.0 Canefire 40/38
7.8 needs some love so had to opt for the 7.0 which in the end was the right choice. Wind had a few holes so plugged in the 81 wide and had a blast and was surprised with a 31.97 on the dail Came in the change to a smaller fin when it picked up a notch so opted for the 107 instead of been lifted into orbit and pulled a 33.29 both of these are PBs for the boards so it will be interesting to see what they will do on some flat water
brabo (2010km):
4348 days ago Pelican Point, WA, AU, iSonic 111, Reflex 7.8, Canefire 42
Initially it didn't look like it was going to happen, but quite late in the afternoon the seabreeze finally kicked in. Good fun.