Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Barbie | | | | | | |
AndySails | | | | | | |
Cootharabean | | | | | | |
starboardsailor | | | | | | |
Brad | | | | | | |
Ross | | | | | | |
Geoff Ringe | | | | | | |
Jeffro | | | | | | |
Hooray | | | | | | |
Porkchop |
Alex Kirk |
jusav |
Seawitch |
Dart |
wongi |
Dino |
Redbear |
Shillo |
Donno |
justin mc |
Ian Watson |
Average | 30.72 | 29.91 | 22.52 | 19.40 | 28.18 | 160.69 |
Barbie (9835km):
4461 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU... Could have gone out again, but Andy pinched my sail. 
AndySails (33667km):
4460 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
Leisurely sail in "kiddies korner" with Barbie and Cootharabean. Nice to be back at the lake. 
Exocet RS5/RS3; Ezzy Lion 7.5/Cheetah 6.0; 45/39 fin.
Cootharabean (16087km):
4460 days ago 1 categories  Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
62 Exo Turbo Boost. 26cm fin, 7.0 Loft Blade
Another really nice day at the lake. A good day sailing, but the best part was hanging out with my wife and 2 girls - great picnic and swim. Nice watching all of the sailors fanging across the lake. So far I have managed to keep all of my sailing days in 2013, above the 30 knot peak, which I am stoked about. Had a quick go on Andys Exo RS3 which felt like a sweet board. Played in kiddies corner - I guess that confirms that I am just a big kid?
starboardsailor (32844km):
4460 days ago Lake Cootharaba
RRD X-Fire 112 Blade 7.8/7.0 Select 41
Quick sail after brekky.
New years resolution 'not to go for distance' lasted all of 11 days,must try harder.
Great day on the lake many thanks to Geoff for company on the water.
Brad (1490km):
4460 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
Ross (3961km):
4460 days ago Urangan, QLD, AU Good to get on the water and see how the the knee went. Good for the old mistral malabu easy sail. 8.4 02 loft 34select
Geoff Ringe (46975km):
4460 days ago
Jeffro (21224km):
4460 days ago 1 categories  Lake Cootharaba, QLD. Another nice sail and good to see so many others out there too.
Sorry I didn't sail with everyone but I had to go up the lake to check the crab pots
Thanks for the beer Darryl and Curry Ray & Gail. iSo 87, S/Blade 6.3 & Sting2 30

Hooray (11618km):
4460 days ago
Lake Cootharaba