Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Atomic | | | | | | |
Bill | | | | | | |
Pugs | | | | | | |
Gabe | | | | | | |
. | | | | | | |
Peter Braun | | | | | | |
Geoff | | | | | | |
Mehore | | | | | | |
PD | | | | | | |
Phil Bennett | | | | | | |
Mark Hampton |
Steve |
Mark Jordan |
Trent Cooper |
Phil Luke |
Greg Cacace |
Dale Jordan |
RafD |
Jason Fardell |
Maree Jordan |
Chris K |
Garry Minogue |
Wayne Hardes |
Dion |
AJEaster |
Wally164 |
Far-Mid-North Coast |
Bruce |
Chris Kelemen |
Matthew Klause |
Aza |
Hamish Stuart |
Andre Da Costa |
Martin |
JustinL |
Ela |
Andrew Muir |
Irishtom |
Feebz |
Stuart Grehan |
Rob |
Glenn Bolton |
Bairdy |
snelly |
Fitzy |
Brett Aqua Man Algie |
Germain |
Ricky Bobby |
Shark |
AllisonAUS911 |
Average | 34.46 | 32.40 | 18.90 | 22.13 | 26.20 | 183.95 |
Atomic (7899km):
4458 days ago Coomba Bay, NSW, AU
Bill (5407km):
4458 days ago Coomba Bay, NSW,
Pugs (10835km):
4458 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU
Great day sailing. The good guys were flying.
Gabe (15447km):
4458 days ago Sailing Club,Wallis Lake, NSW, AU
Sailed with Peter.Rigged 6.5 as it looked a bit light on, and wished I had the SL104 to get out to the wind, which filled in as the morning went on. Hawk93LTD, Finworks 11.5"weedy, 6.5GTX. Had not used this combination yet, but it felt sweet.
Tide was nearly high so it become quite choppy very quickly.Had 3 sessions, the last with Matt. Tried to get Geoff down, but had reception trouble and so I think Geoff missed a good session, albeit a choppy one.Was hoping for a better naughty.Still, pleased with the speed today.

. (49698km):
4458 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU 110l, niash, 6.2 evo11, sweet sess, great to c everyone, c ya soon,,,, ha, im stoked with the km, ive wanted to break 200 for ages, but im lazy

Peter Braun (4719km):
4458 days ago Wallis Lake, NSW, AU
Geoff (1763km):
4457 days ago Smiths Lake, NSW, AU
Was about to head up to Wallis but my son wanted to have a go today. Super gusty and choppy so played around with rigging and hey a PB, was not expecting that.
Mehore (24127km):
4457 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU Awesome day, Johnny, Pugs, Greg, Byron (killin it), Gaz, Paul and Jeff. 20/25 southerly all day. blew out 3rd panel on sail and brought out the good old duck tape. Snapped footstrap near the end of day. 92 JP Slalom and patrik 53 speed which i did my top speed on 29 weedy and 26 in the patrik 6.6 Koncept. Go Marauders!!!

PD (3223km):
4456 days ago Gosford, NSW, AU
Phil Bennett (4130km):
4452 days ago Queens Lake, NSW, AU