Boombuster (66962km):
4416 days ago 1 categories  Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Sailing in the rain, seemed the stronger the rain the stonger the wind got it was so so flat I love it.
I try the speed board with a 6.3 but it was too light.
JP68 112lt Loft7.8 Select37
mkseven (5336km):
4415 days ago 2 categories   Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Nice sail, bit hard to see at times, happy with speed on big sail- more in it just didn't have lots of grunt off the wind.
Isonic 97, 7.8 RS Racing, 37cm S09
Albert P. Jonsson (11746km):
4415 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU, Falcon 111, Aerotec 7.5 and a 40 cm fin. I didn't expect much wind and there was not. Probably got half an hour of 10 to 13 knots in the rain, which is better than poor Shaun got, he came too late. But Mark, Rolly and Glynn had up to twenty knots for a while. I wish I had been earlier, but you can never tell with this weather. At least I got some gybing practise.