Roo (15866km):
4281 days ago Hood River Sandbar, Hood River, OR, US LB6.3 NSP95 BP35
Well my GPS still works, first time turning it on this year. Figured after 50 days on the water this season so far I should see if it records speeds. Been a mega season in the Gorge so far, could probably have sailed 80 days since March 1st but took it easy with 50 plus in the books. Gusty day at the Waterfront Park with bullits rolling down the river at random intervals. Hard work threading the gusts and putting together some decent numbers. Blowing a solid 30-35 today as I write this with no let up in the forecast. Team Viagra, the Aussie speedsaling team, should get their saggy old butts up here to get some training in high winds before they get spanked in Luderitz!