Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Chris Dimond | | | | | | |
PJ | | | | | | |
Captain bogan | | | | | | |
Kimba | | | | | | |
X | | | | | | |
Choco |
Chris Reiffel |
Norman Clarke |
Joe |
Dave M |
Dr Duck |
Dazz |
Kym Manning |
Ricky Hamood |
Kaz |
Dee |
Warren Mudge |
PK |
Hayden M |
danny |
Pineapple |
Stan |
Average | 35.32 | 33.00 | 19.03 | 20.88 | 27.76 | 81.97 |
Chris Dimond (12638km):
4257 days ago 1 categories  Boggy Lake, SA, AU
Gator 5.0m / Futura 93 / Select 30 freeride
First powered up session in a while and nice to try out this combo for the first time. It's certainly not quick, but it's a lot of fun and VERY comfortable in the 30+knot chop.
Great to catch up with PJ, Tim and Carl.
Was windy on the water, but it was mental on the way home!!!!!

PJ (24612km):
4257 days ago 18-07-13 Boggy Lake-N 14-30 knots-Mistral SL112-Simmer Monster 100-Loft Blade 5.6m-MxR UFO 32cm
Tough day, very gusty and super strong at times, suffered only x1 major stack :-)
Nice to see Chris D still alive and Carl, Tim, Gareth :-)

Captain bogan (50909km):
4257 days ago Boggy Lake, SA, AU - 18 to 25 gusty northerly with some 30 knot gusts.
Alot of fun cruising with Pj, Gareth and later Chris D and Kimba.
Saturday looks good too...
Isonic 86, '13 Hot sail gps and R325 Black Project fin.
Kimba (8310km):
4257 days ago 2 categories   Nice session down @ Boggy with a few of the SASD crew. Good to catch up with Chris, Carl and some other guy ;).
First time on the 6.9 M-1and MxR UFO 38 and they worked a treat in the Boggy slop. I think I have a new favourite combo! - not sure what the last one was as I have not sailed for months...
Went out first on the 6.1 and UFO34 based on others using 5.5's but it never really kicked on the water as forecast and I wasn't powered. Then used the MxR UFO Wide 40 32 in the MrL with the 6.9 and it held the board on the water nicely - Fin change from the backpack mid session and the 38 UFO was even nicer. Just the right amount of nose lift to float a bit more in the chop. Still went upwind well - looking forward to using this combo in quality wind...
Mistral 112 - M1 6.9 - MxR UFO 38
Boggy Lake, North 15-25
X (4599km):
4256 days ago First time filly powered for months good to see how the SpeedFreak 6.5 went fully powered up......quickly found out how unfit i was thus the short distance travelled. It was good to be powered up again even if it was a bit gust and the SpeedFreak went well due to the chop direction felt I was not able to push the board to hard. Fingers crossed the forcast stays good for Saturday and I can give my ne Simmer Style SCR a fully powered run. Good to see a few people turning up for the wind mid week.
HSM SpeedFreak 6.5m patrik freeride 145 BPF Freeride 38
