Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Barbie | | | | | | |
AndySails | | | | | | |
Richo | | | | | | |
starboardsailor | | | | | | |
Dart | | | | | | |
Jeffro | | | | | | |
Porkchop |
Alex Kirk |
jusav |
Seawitch |
wongi |
Dino |
Brad |
Hooray |
Redbear |
Shillo |
Donno |
Ross |
justin mc |
Ian Watson |
Average | 32.16 | 30.94 | 21.22 | 21.01 | 27.89 | 102.22 |
Barbie (9835km):
4074 days ago Urangan, QLD, AU
AndySails (33667km):
4074 days ago Urangan, QLD, AU
Nice Saturday arvo sail with Barbie, Steve, Rob, Ian, John, Baz and Wongi. Had 30.22 on the dial and happy enough with that on the RS4 in the chop. Barbie pinched the RS3 today!
Exocet RS4; HSM GPS 6.6; Black Project Type-R 37.5. 
Richo (11509km):
4074 days ago Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
North Bank lots of lovely flat water, good company and a nice breeze, worth the drive down.
starboardsailor (32844km):
4074 days ago Burrum Heads Northern Run, QLD AU
RRD X-Fire 102 RSS 7.0 S09/35
Great afternoon with a big tide which gave just enough time
to clock up 100km. Thanks Justin for convincing me to make
the trip to Burrum, nice to sail again with Mark and good to meet
Greg from Lake Macquarrie.
Dart (4539km):
4074 days ago 2 categories   I love Burrum 
Burrum Heads, QLD, AU

Jeffro (21224km):
4074 days ago Lake Weyba, QLD. An afternoon with Pete Anne, Greg and KingaRay. iSo 97, Blade 7.0 & SO9 35