Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Gybing Joel | | | | | | |
Fireman Sam | | | | | | |
RobbieK | | | | | | |
stelio37 | | | | | | |
Matt Hosie |
madventure |
B3 |
Sav |
Bella |
Laurie Spies |
Tim Pittaway |
Hazza1 |
BigEzy |
Vitaly |
John N |
Geoffee |
PJ |
Rom |
AUS2804 |
Average | 22.39 | 20.78 | 8.11 | 15.05 | 16.20 | 37.98 |
Gybing Joel (476km):
3979 days ago Inverloch, VIC, AU
Lightwind session on the main channel.
Starboard Sextra 100, Drake Fin, KA Koyote 6.6
Fireman Sam (5363km):
3979 days ago Inverloch, VIC, AU
Lightwind session on the main channel, then a play out the back.
Looks like Joel got the chocolates on me today - good to see him step up and get planing in light winds !
RobbieK (6140km):
3978 days ago Inverloch, VIC, AU
Morning session, 135L X-Cite and 7.4 KA Koyote. At least I got planing most of the time.
stelio37 (3092km):
3974 days ago Nurana Island, BH