Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Mudcrab | | | | | | |
jdemol | | | | | | |
MT | | | | | | |
TERRY | | | | | | |
mdemol | | | | | | |
TEX | | | | | | |
bushfire | | | | | | |
nudie | | | | | | |
Windsurfunstu | | | | | | |
Chris | | | | | | |
Matt R | | | | | | |
Mike |
the new guy |
Eckers |
Liver |
bj |
Wilba |
philip watts |
Ken |
Pat |
JuJu |
youngy |
Jetlag |
Gerry |
Witto |
Big Z |
Mexican Pete |
TallPaul |
Average | 39.10 | 36.72 | 20.11 | 22.00 | 31.35 | 117.50 |
Mudcrab (1254km):
3985 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
jdemol (2027km):
3985 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
Nice early morning sail, WSW 15-20 kts most of the time, then it got too strong for my 5.2
Ezzy wave 5.2 on Mistral flow 95
MT (22734km):
3985 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
6.2 RSR, 56cm wide custom slalom, Chester, 20cm G10 45deg, 21cm Carbon 40deg, 21cm Carbon 50deg.
Disappointed my best run got knocked back below 40kts. Still happy with my numbers in the conditions we had today. Very happy with my new 50 degree carbon weed fin. Performed the best of my three fins today in the chop. Will be making more of them.
Great to see that many people on the water too. A great Speedsters team day.
TERRY (46308km):
3985 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU A early 7.00 start and then the wind came. A WSW with a peak gust of 34kts.
Rigged a cam sail but chickened out and went freeride.
A kiter came out of the water, across the grass, jumped the fence, across the carpark,
let the kite go, bar in the powerlines, finally came down near the houses.
Some good scores today even though it was choppy.
Tabou 95l Rocket Loft 5.3 freeride Tabou 76l 3S Loft 4.7 wave
mdemol (1300km):
3985 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
TEX (5337km):
3985 days ago 2 categories   Primbee, NSW, AU Terry my first 100ks at primbee.
bushfire (26346km):
3985 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU. W to WSW up to 35 knots or so.
A fun day at Primbee with heaps of speed sailors. Gusty wind and windier, but choppier at the north end of the speed strip. Started off with the 5.6m and over the day was probably a bit small, however spot on for the gusts. The speed board was hard work in the chop and the variable wind. It took several hours of sailing to start feeling a bit better (forgotten how to do it!)
For the last session of the day swapped ovcer to the iS90 and this was great fun in the choppy conditions - certainly less of a struggle that the W49. Tired but happy .
SB W49, SV R5 5.6m, MxR UFO WS 20/45
SB iS90 MxR UFO WS 24/50 OH
nudie (5779km):
3984 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
Good to get back on the water after a long time, also to see some old faces was a good... BIG THANKS TO MT & BUSHY "FINS ARE SENSATIONAL".
Windsurfunstu (6659km):
3984 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
First up - 1pm iS 76, Vector 23, SV R4 6.2 Couldnt get comfy with this combo. I think the fin was a little on the small side for me on this board, spin outs.
Second up - 3pm iS W49, Vector 23, SV R4 6.2 First time on the W49, or anything so small and fast. Wind kicked back in by the time i changed down boards. Was way overpower with the 6.2 and the chop was crazy but the vector felt rock solid in the W49. Real happy and cant wait the get some smooth water (need some weed man!) 
Well done on the PB's guys
Chris (1826km):
3984 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
20 to 35knt westerly in icey cold water and heaps of chop...what's not to love about that??? A completely packed house, never seen so many cars on the grass. Awesome day, the morning was more manageable than the afternoon where all the lulls filled in and the water chopped up even more. Spewing I just didn't crack the 30knt mark!!! All in all good rides, good stacks and good weather!!!
Naish Supercross 96L MU weed22 KA Kaos 5.0m
Matt R (17286km):
3982 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
Starboard Carve 99, 5.2m2 Loft Pure Lip