Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
ub | | | | | | |
Bondy | | | | | | |
JAK | | | | | | |
Jman | | | | | | |
Anti-KGB | | | | | | |
Evan |
WindRider |
George |
Beardie |
Skipper |
Seb |
Bjorn |
Jack Sparrow |
Average | 32.86 | 31.44 | 13.34 | 19.36 | 20.48 | 65.84 |
ub (12497km):
3759 days ago Bonbeach, Vic
Nice sail at bonno with Stephen and Adam, sw wind, sunshine, what a nice day. 
Kode 94 l, 6 m gator.
Sebastian sorry, you packet up to early.
Bondy (1894km):
3759 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU
A better day at the Pit today, but pretty cold.
Had a good sail with the boys, the wind had a bit more Sth in it than yesterday, which made for nicer sailing, but it wasn't as strong. Same gear.
Missed out on the Fishy pub 'cos some of us have to work!!
Thanks for the big Coffee Jak. Kept me awake on the drive back.
Ezzy 5.8 wave and Isonic 87.
JAK (12211km):
3757 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU, great session in Cup Week 2014 with the usual suspects. After yesterdays 'blow-out' some reasonable wind and direction. Couldn't beat speed on the Rocket with the Futura for some reason. May be it got unsettled with the chop of the highish low tide.
Tabou Rocket 105, 29cm fin, Futura 93, 31cm Casper Speed fin, Ka Koncept 6.6
Jman (15832km):
3757 days ago Sandy Point, Vic, AU
Day 2 of SHQ cup weekend, much better than Saturday's gusty westerly so managed a full days sailing.
Spent the morning on the 5.0 for the SHQ freestyle so no Gps when it was at its windiest but put it on when I changed up to the 5.8 for the slalom racing.
All up a really good day for everyone on the inlet 
Tabou 3s 96 L, NP 5.8 Atlas, MFC 28 All round
Anti-KGB (2134km):
3757 days ago 1 categories  Sandy Point, Vic, AU
Who is going to beat the Russian???
Tabou Manta 98 L, 5.8 North Ram, Tectonic 32 Talon