Trousers (14352km):
3367 days ago 2 categories Boggy Lake, SA, AU
Not my best day in the office, had a bit of trouble gybing and getting comfy in general. Think I might have chose the worng fin. But regardless, first sail in a few weeks, and it was fun. Quite a good turn out, bit rough at parts but consistently planable. Saw Sam in the distance sailing up neer the reeds, he was first on water and still going when we all packed up. Machine.
Falcon 79l, BP 32.5, OD6.2
PK (1738km):
3367 days ago Whyalla, SA, AU
OES Quad as a quad, Reflex 5.6, 18-25 Seabreeze.
Another day of super low tides so a bit more gybing practice in the flat spot then a couple of longer runs at the end before work got in the road. Still having issues with the boom grab.
Might have to take the Gators for a run over at False Bay tomoz if I wake up early enough.