starboardsailor (32798km):
3335 days ago Lake Cootharaba
M137 Phantom 7.8 Sonntag 42
Early start at the with lake distance in mind, all was going well until
i changed sails, went back and bang mast broke. Long walk back and
thought my day was done, but a kind offer of a loan of a rig from Peter
(Cockypete). A short drive later and part 2.
Lake Weyba
Viper 105 Naish Noa 6.4 33cm
Pretty breezy at Weyba well powered on the Noa,which was excellent
in some of the gnarly gusts, well impressed with its performance and handling
and of course the usual high quality that you get with Naish gear.
Next time i go for a pb i had better write down what i require rather than really
on my memory.