Matt D (32267km):
3320 days ago Canton Beach, NSW, AU
Well that was better than I expected! I got there early as it was predicted to die and it did! But there was a few hours of constant 20 knots with a few bigger gusts.
a few out today Glynn, Sue, Pugs, Ray, Old Pete, Nathan, Jason and a bloke on a old exit!
Ca 117, 7.3 switchblade and first session 26cm Maui speed weed, then a jp 31 weedy.

Wayno (16997km):
3320 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU late morning arrival, 11am at Buff Pt.
Byron was the only one out, looked about 15-25 SSW so I rigged 6.6 GPS + CA SL55 + 19cm Delta.
Was pretty good for the 1st 30-40 minutes or so, then had a chat with Byron, got going again but the wind was starting to drop little by little.
Went in and had a short lunchbreak then back out now with Tibor but it had dropped so much it was now hard to get planing. Tried for a bit longer but called it quits just as Bruce turned up....a nice session alround.
