Dino (487km):
3150 days ago Boyne Island, QLD, AU
7.0 Sailloft Ultimate; F2 SX58, 30cm JP Slalom fin.
Nice midday sail with Richo & Adrian when i should've been working.
So today i finally got to use the New Saillioft Ultimate 7.0 in more then a light breeze.... NIce and powerful, but i've just gotta iron the bugs out of it now and find the right set-up and probably a better fin....it was a mit slippery and scary a few times there.
Richo (11509km):
3150 days ago Boyne Island, QLD, AU
F2 XS Small 90L, Koncept 6.6, Volt 32
Nice to get some east in the wind at last, square to the bank and no wind shadow. Was gusty until we (Dean and Adrian) were packing up then came in solid. Been a long time since I've seen sand blowing through the car park. Hoping for more tomorrow, two days in a row would be good.