Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
philip watts | | | | | | |
Mike | | | | | | |
Eckers | | | | | | |
Chris | | | | | | |
Matt R | | | | | | |
bushfire | | | | | | |
TEX | | | | | | |
the new guy |
MT |
Liver |
bj |
Wilba |
mdemol |
jdemol |
Mudcrab |
Ken |
Pat |
JuJu |
Windsurfunstu |
youngy |
Jetlag |
Gerry |
Witto |
Big Z |
Mexican Pete |
TallPaul |
Average | 34.62 | 32.38 | 19.28 | 22.37 | 29.31 | 60.72 |
philip watts (2899km):
3083 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU wind never really came in as predicted but was still a fun sail and smooth water, monster board with bp shallow water fin , 6.2m severne sail
Mike (3343km):
3083 days ago Good fun sail - flat but bloody shallow, wind a bit up and down but enough for a few slalom races - good way to start the club season
6.7 hellcat and i80
Eckers (12311km):
3083 days ago The most enjoyable day I've had at Primbee for quite some time. Some patches of incredibly steady westerly. Jagged a couple of super-enjoyable nautical miles - just happened to be setting of from Windang when the wind pickedup and swung a but more to the southwest for about 10 minutes. Tex was flying - had a great drag race all the way to Windang.
Fanatic Falcon 104, Black Project Weed Speed 31 (40 degree), North Warp 7.0
Chris (1826km):
3083 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
10-25knts WNW to WSW was up and down all day but at least it kept the water really flat. Rigged big but was a fair bit overpowered in the gusts, pretty rusty at first after my first sail in a while.
NP FusionHD 6.7m JP Slalom 84L BP Speed Weed 23cm
Matt R (17286km):
3083 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU. Rocket wide 108, SV OD 7m, Select cricket bat 26/50 weed fin.
Great to get the racing season underway with some slalom races in westerly conditions. Pulled up a bit sore after that one but nothing a few beers and lots of footy wont fix.
bushfire (26346km):
3083 days ago Lake Illawarra, NSW, AU WNW to WSW up to 30 knots.
Start of the club season today and we were blessed with nice conditions for slalom racing. A couple of buoys placed on the northern part of the Primbee flats was enough for us to run 7 races - great fun with a great bunch of guys. Some good gusts to deal with .
SB iS107, SV R7 7m, MxR UFO WS 28/45
TEX (5337km):
3080 days ago 1 categories  Primbee, NSW, AU