Moreton Bay Mob (QLD, Australia) - 2016-11-30
Sailor | 2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) | ||||||||||||
Boombuster |
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Jemo |
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Scotty |
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mikey | ||||||||||||||||||
ZbRider | ||||||||||||||||||
RIGGS | ||||||||||||||||||
Chris | ||||||||||||||||||
Windsurfing Ninja | ||||||||||||||||||
Foily Mc Foil Head | ||||||||||||||||||
Martin Worling | ||||||||||||||||||
Wind Glider | ||||||||||||||||||
Trev | ||||||||||||||||||
Macey | ||||||||||||||||||
CHRISL | ||||||||||||||||||
Wile E. Coyote | ||||||||||||||||||
Rob | ||||||||||||||||||
Starkode | ||||||||||||||||||
Dez | ||||||||||||||||||
musorianin | ||||||||||||||||||
marty | ||||||||||||||||||
Average | 30.36 | 28.60 | 15.29 | 20.52 | 21.84 | 32.65 | ||||||||||||
Boombuster (66962km): Wellington Point, QLD, AU Light most of the time but kicked in before a storm which chased us out early just got home before it hit. Sailing with just Rich and a learner. Tried the new 7.9 it felt gr8 with good bottom end grunt and smooth control. Patrik110 KA Race7.9 BP WS42 | ||||||||||||||||||
Jemo (6461km): Wellington Point, QLD, AU another good session on the flat water behing the bank with Glynn. cut short by storm but good all the same. 7.8 Loft Blade, IS117, C3 Venom42 | ||||||||||||||||||
Scotty (12840km): Wellington Point, QLD, AU Quick sail before the storm Hawk 113, Helcat 7.2, S10 35 |
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