Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Neale McLennan | | | | | | |
BC | | | | | | |
B-rad | | | | | | |
Richie Fish | | | | | | |
Paul AUS729 | | | | | | |
Steve1001 | | | | | | |
Pete | | | | | | |
Duane Hayes | | | | | | |
evilC | | | | | | |
Rob | | | | | | |
Fin Boy | | | | | | |
Cocky | | | | | | |
SIMON | | | | | | |
Geoff Ringe |
mkseven |
Cootharabean |
Azuli |
Ezza |
dunin |
Average | 31.20 | 29.33 | 23.87 | 20.67 | 28.37 | 107.21 |
Neale McLennan (3189km):
2593 days ago Ballina, NSW, AU Isonic 90, Evo 8 7.8m, 34cm . nice little sail in North creek on the top of the tide with Slim, just enough water to sail over the sand bar a few times before tide started going out causing weed problems.
BC (31590km):
2593 days ago foil from rqys hover 122 lift 4.7 Manly, QLD, AU
B-rad (33434km):
2593 days ago Wynnum, QLD, AU
Team 1Hr duties.
IS127, M1 8.6
Richie Fish (16761km):
2593 days ago Wynnum, QLD, AU...Weedy Wynnum. Not so good in marginal conditions....
Paul AUS729 (12451km):
2593 days ago Wynnum, QLD, AU
IS114 / M1 OD 7.8 / T40
Fun Christmas eve sail with beers and banter to finish.
Steve1001 (22355km):
2593 days ago Wynnum, QLD, AU
98/6.4 Evo9
about 12-15kt NE, nice session with the usual suspects. testing the bottom end of the little gear in big gear conditions, went ok, except the back half of gybes.
Pete (131452km):
2593 days ago 1 categories Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
Duane Hayes (2647km):
2593 days ago Wynnum, QLD, AU
evilC (66430km):
2593 days ago Wynnum, QLD, AU
IS107, R7.8, WS37
Rob (7234km):
2593 days ago RQ Manly, QLD, AU
JPSLW90(154) 56 GTX9.0. Great fun even though the wind was a bit light for the first hour. Lost part of the data as the watch kept turning itself off ... rookie operator error. Sorted now I think.
Fin Boy (12354km):
2593 days ago 1 categories 110 Isonic 7.8 R6 37 Tribal WS
Late sail at Wynnum was just heading out as most of the crew were coming in tried for an Hr and got a PB so happy with that.
Wynnum, QLD, AU
Cocky (60954km):
2593 days ago Wynnum, QLD, AU. 115 blast / 7.8 Mach1/ 39 TWS. Great afternoon on the water with the crew. Tried the weed speed as a lot of weed today.
SIMON (11412km):
2593 days ago 1 categories Wynnum, QLD, AU
back to the correct size sail for everything , the 7m. It took me 2 goes to rig as it turns out i cant read the extension correctly this also explains why the 7.8 was slow and wouldnt flip last sail so it might be fast