Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Pugs | | | | | | |
Frothie | | | | | | |
Mehore | | | | | | |
Wayno | | | | | | |
Maui Paul | | | | | | |
Chris Christensen |
Adam |
Mike |
Fergo |
Beaker |
PD |
Jamie |
Matt D |
Josh |
Troy Botting |
WadeM |
Macca |
Royce |
The Flying Mullet |
The Salty Pom |
Milos |
Bill |
Greg |
Otis |
A.D.Z |
Stu |
Loclan |
Babylon |
Vic |
JD |
LB |
Sneaky Pete |
Loic |
Tom 069 |
Mick Hay |
Sam K (AUS-1811) |
Santo Kay |
Rob75 |
Nathan Clift |
Doolander |
Jimmy |
Vally |
Andrew |
ColinSmith |
Average | 33.70 | 31.11 | 16.16 | 21.98 | 22.53 | 36.07 |
Pugs (10835km):
2622 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
7.0 Loft RB/89 Falcon/18 Delta
20+ sailors on the water today. Cloud killed it early.
Frothie (4243km):
2622 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU.CA 225L, Maui 9.3 (needs repair on 2 x battens) changed to Simmer 7.8m (great in gusts,shit when nothing)
Kestral 26.
Still feel sick and can't get anything right at the moment Left knee still realy sore from crash the other week! God bless all!!!
Mehore (24127km):
2622 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU Was looking real good and cloud pushed in again and killed it. Was rigging big and changed my mind with it looking sweeeet. 7.1 KaRace 100l Patrik 20 Kestrel Go Marauders!!

Wayno (16997km):
2622 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
Moderate NE wind 12-20 knots, heaps out over 21 - I reckon. Plenty of sweet looking sailors going pretty fast.
HSM 6.6 JP 108 21 Delta, nice combo today so I chose well for a change. Only did a small distance as I have to manage the biceps tendon.
Good to see three ladies sailing with us today. Well done all.

Maui Paul (5918km):
2621 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU
First a very quick foil session w Mike, blown out of the water... literally flying
Then a bit of fun blast in the shallows 