Sailor | 2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) | ||||||||||||
roby |
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Claus |
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Michele |
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Max68 |
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Paolo | ||||||||||||||||||
Jurex 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
jordi | ||||||||||||||||||
Davide | ||||||||||||||||||
Max | ||||||||||||||||||
spainray | ||||||||||||||||||
Biagio | ||||||||||||||||||
Hulio | ||||||||||||||||||
Alex | ||||||||||||||||||
.g.e.o. | ||||||||||||||||||
billysantoni | ||||||||||||||||||
Average | 33.47 | 29.21 | 9.84 | 20.06 | 23.17 | 29.45 | ||||||||||||
roby (15255km): An hard bump and jump session in Marina Julia Exocet Cross 84, Point7 Spy 4.7, Select antiweed 24 | ||||||||||||||||||
Claus (9820km): ![]() First one hour in sun and rain (11-12°C..) on the JP121/7.0 with 46cm fin but the gusts turned out to be a quite ahandfull in the high chop. After a short coffee-break I changed to Patrik Slalom 100/7.0/34cm which was much better but I didn't manage to do a speedrun before the wind died.. It was nice to be out anyway.. Roskilde Fjord (DK) JP 76 v.121, Loftsails RB 7.0, JP SL 46 fin/ Patrik Slalom 100/ iFins FC 34 | ||||||||||||||||||
Michele (1586km): Bora wind at Barcola. Tabou Manta 88, 6.3sail
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Max68 (4703km): At last, Bora is arrived... But too much for my quiver: over 30kn constant and over 45kn in gusts with 2mt waves coming from all direction... very rough conditions... but very funny... Biagio's traster 63,5 3fin (22 patlove wave +2x10), Tushingam Storm 4,75. |
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