Claus (9820km):
2364 days ago 1 categories  Hmm, wasn't confortable on the kit today, partly due the strange strong gusts but also the trim didn't feel good or fast. First time, after more than three years, powered up on the newly repaired X-15, its lighter than my RacingBlades but has less ummph. The 32cm fin felt too small on the Mistral 110 but could work in more constant wind conditions perhaps.
Mistral Slalom 110, Tushingham X-15 7.0, C3 Sting II 32.
roby (15255km):
2364 days ago Barcola, nervous wind with lot of turbolence and unstable direction. Anyway a good session with Claus in a really warm day, we are in the middle of october but it seems summer yet 
RS3, Point7 ACX 5.8, Black Project Sabre 32.5