Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Duane Hayes | | | | | | |
BC | | | | | | |
Paul AUS729 | | | | | | |
LukeAUS321 | | | | | | |
Richie Fish | | | | | | |
Rob | | | | | | |
Macey | | | | | | |
Cocky | | | | | | |
Neale McLennan | | | | | | |
Ezza | | | | | | |
evilC | | | | | | |
B-rad |
mkseven |
Paul Bryant |
Cootharabean |
Paul 66WSF |
Azuli |
Fin Boy |
dunin |
Average | 37.10 | 33.32 | 18.23 | 24.10 | 30.87 | 72.74 |
Duane Hayes (2647km):
2347 days ago Manly, QLD, AU
BC (32207km):
2347 days ago 1 categories  great session on the Fox 95, Duotone 5.4 Etype , Rqys manly
Paul AUS729 (12473km):
2347 days ago Manly, QLD, AU
4.7Volt / FW85
LukeAUS321 (9203km):
2347 days ago 86L Freewave, 25 wave, 5.3 then 4.5 volt
Great session of bump and jump, everyone left just as the wind picked up.
Richie Fish (16985km):
2347 days ago Manly, QLD, AU
Rob (7234km):
2346 days ago Manly, QLD, AU
Blast130 R42.5 6.4
From not quite enough to properly nuked by the end of the session. Awesome fun. So close to my first carve gybe today ... maybe in another year.
Macey (10430km):
2346 days ago Shornecliffe, QLD, AU. 80,6.3,30. Fun sail with Mikey at Cabbage. Wind was ESE which was a bit difficult getting down the run, but still some fun attempts.
Cocky (61522km):
2346 days ago Amity, QLD, AU. 99 falcon / 6.2 R8 / 29TWS. Wind was way to strong with gusts 35 plus for the 6.2 most the time. Clive and Eric had an experience in the 2 m plus swells on the boat trip home.
Neale McLennan (3189km):
2346 days ago Ballina, NSW, AU Iso 90, lockwood 34, SL6.4, very gusty, there were two board sailors when I got there, then wind came up even more when Dave arrived, I changed to SL5.2 which felt reall;y good then wind dropped off a bit, so I got the Isonic 120 out with Volt 44 fin, and continued with SL5.2, felt pretty good , just not enough for the holes in wind.
Ezza (11865km):
2346 days ago Sheeted out and spinning out at Amity, QLD, AU with Ian and Clive.
The boat trip out was rough but the boat/skipper handled it well and we were still dry when we arrived to way more wind than forecasted. We were caught out with some of the wrong gear as the forecast was for 19-25kts. Clive was measuring 30 to 35kts with gusts as high as 40kts on his windgauge. Just rigging up in that wind was a challenge. Luckily we threw in the 6.2's which were still a massive handful in the gusts. I went with a little weedspeed fin but the chop was way too big and constant spin outs were a nightmare. I swapped over to the tribal speed which felt excellent but only got one run on it before it was time to head in. Unfortunately it was a late low tide so we only had a small window to sail in before the crazy boat trip home in the dark. Thanks to Ian for the boat trip, it was an excellent day.
114, R7 6.2, Vector Delta WS 27/Tribal Speed 27cm
evilC (67528km):
2346 days ago 1 categories  Amity, QLD, AU
IS80, R5.7, BP30
An adventure to Amity with Ian and Eric in 30-40 knots.
Too much wind+forgot weedspeed+injured hand=no bear offs 