Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Steve1001 | | | | | | |
Cocky | | | | | | |
Fin Boy | | | | | | |
Rob | | | | | | |
evilC | | | | | | |
B-rad |
mkseven |
Paul Bryant |
Cootharabean |
Paul 66WSF |
Azuli |
Ezza |
Duane Hayes |
Richie Fish |
dunin |
Average | 31.95 | 29.93 | 21.19 | 21.23 | 28.22 | 107.48 |
Steve1001 (22355km):
2192 days ago 1 categories  Wynnum, QLD, AU
15-20N Nice session, solo. More north than normal. Been a few weeks since i sailed, rusty.
Cocky (61522km):
2192 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU. 115 Blast / 7.8 M1 / 38 T. Distance day for the team so went for comfort on the blast. The 7.8 was a handfull at times in the chop.
Fin Boy (12354km):
2192 days ago 1 categories  F99 7.0 R6 27 TWS
Fun sail today more wind than I expected. Felt really good today shame the rain killed the wind eventually.
Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Rob (7234km):
2192 days ago RQManly, QLD, AU
Blast130 R42.5 SL7.8
First time time to sail across to Wello since I broke my foot and had a great session with a bunch of the guys over there (Vando, Ian, Clive, Danny). Had a long sail, swim, and walk back to RQ when the wind completely disappeared.
evilC (67472km):
2192 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
IS 97, M2 7.0, T 36