Sausage (22853km):
2188 days ago iS97, 7.0 RBlade, 36 Lockwood/McD Sl - Lammermoor Beach, QLD, AU ESE 16-22kn
Quick sail in fading light. Pushed it hard through the chop but this fin and board are a superb combo. In fact this fin is an oldy but itwould have to be one of the best. Nm was my last run and boy did it get hairy out wide.

Pete (133505km):
2188 days ago Burrum Heads, QLD, AU. Great day at Burrum, bit patchy for the 1st couple of Hrs with constant showers but cleared up after 1pm and was nice, sunny with more constant wind until end when tide came over the banks. Nice to sail with only Dave, Tony and Geoff.
Jag108/33WS/7.8 reflex.
Richo (11509km):
2187 days ago 1 categories  Boyne Island, QLD, AU
7M Koncept, F2SX90, 34 Rockit
Wind kicked in after the tide had turned, need to put on a few kilos to keep things on the water.
Nice numbers Pete and great speed in the ocean Snags.