Billy (10673km):
2187 days ago Lake Tinaroo, QLD, AU
Wow, 4 long, arduous, criminally insane weeks between sails !!!!! Never again. So good to be out on the water. Sneaky little early march from my work duties and decided to check out Tinaroo. Made the most of it between rain scuds. So nice now that its full. You can sail from the Sailing Club out into the main channel, then bear off towards Platypus and take on the easterly that rips up from Fong On. Typical Tinaroo, 0-20 in the space of a footy field, but the water temp was insane. Noice, noice, noice and cant wait for the weekend. May the brotherhood of "Days Off" get a session in tomorrow. Made for a top day 
Used: The "Tank", 7.8 OD R4, 47 SRide
Alvadave (7039km):
2187 days ago Burrum Heads, QLD, AU
89 Falcon / 7.0 Mach 1 / Tribal 30
Lot more enjoyable today on the 7 rather than the 7.8's we were on yesterday.Out with TK, Peter and Geoff again.
Richo (11509km):
2187 days ago 1 categories  Boyne Island, QLD, AU
5.8 Koncept, F2SX 80, Volt 30
So much more fun on the smaller gear. Another after work sil, got the bottom of the tide today, a bit more south in the breeze would have been good. Not complaining though.
Awesome speeds again Dave! Good to see you back in action Billy, rains got to clear soon!
Pete (133505km):
2186 days ago Burrum Heads, QLD, AU. Another nice day at Burrum, sailing with Dave, Geoff and Tony. Dave was flying on his Falcon 89, can't wait until I get mine.
Jag108/34 Tribal/7.0 Reflex.