Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Adam R | | | | | | |
Denis | | | | | | |
MalJ | | | | | | |
Tony | | | | | | |
waricle | | | | | | |
Jeff Irvin |
JV Johnnie |
Paddles |
Ballast |
Popejohn |
Dag |
Parso |
Maxi388 |
Imax1 |
LJ |
Luke |
Shannon |
Average | 25.48 | 24.24 | 13.92 | 17.43 | 18.63 | 58.12 |
Adam R (4467km):
2166 days ago Sandstone Point, QLD, AU 150 GO 7.8 reflux 26 Delta. A nice low tide sail wind was consistent in the middle of the day then it was up and down in the afternoon.
Denis (5009km):
2166 days ago Sandstone Point, QLD, AU
MalJ (3083km):
2166 days ago Victoria Point, QLD, AU
Tony (3172km):
2166 days ago 2 categories   Golden Beach, QLD, AU 165ltr jp super light wind 9,2m gsr what a brilliant day. fantastic company , so many on the water.
waricle (20182km):
2166 days ago Victoria Point, QLD, AU Naish sp110 Koncept 5.8 FANGY 24 a short session due to commitments but a bit undercooked on 5.8
lots of sailors and kites out enjoying the breeze