Peter (48917km):
1961 days ago 1 categories Duxbury Bay, MA. Fun freestyle session in NNE. Wind was once again lighter and gustier than the meter showed, but enough for 5.6 (Nina 4.7), and the water state was just wonderful, with little current near high tide. First chilly session with 13 C air and no sun, so it was time to get the 4.5 wetsuit out of storage. Worked a bit on sail-first jibes, trying to leave the mast inside the turn, which supposedly works better than moving the mast around a lot. Took me a while but eventually got a few decent jibes where the mast did stay on the inside. Will have to try this on the foil next time.
Nina got around all the way in one of her Flaka tries and landed in the water with both feet in the straps and hands on the boom. She could probably have waterstarted out and claimed it, but was too surprised, and instead looked around if I or the third windsurfer on the water had seen it (we hadn't). Getting really close now!
Some nice colors for the crayon fans out there: