ODIN (38126km):
1872 days ago Jadrtovac N - NNE
Wind direction today was a bit of a challenge making it at one end one direction and thre other end another direction so a bit of a mix in the middle.
Mostly dialing in slowly the new 7.0 and testing different sizes to see which works better .
Not a bad sail after all never stopped once which is odd here at this spot on a NE .
Sailing fittness is dowm to zero hopfully more wind coming on wed and hopefully more through the winter here .
Need to get some more fins and different sizes and plenty testing .
The new 7.0 has alot of power and positive balance but you need to be fit for this sail
Did a few runs off the wind but most of the time dialling the gear in slowly crosswind .
Nova-109 , NP7.0 , CL35,6 & 33,5