Boombuster (66388km):
1868 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Jay and I fluffed around for a hour then it came in nice from the east so we scored some flat time behind the bank until the tide washed over.
Horrid weed made it hard at times even with the weed fin a delta would have been good.
As the tide washed over coral spawn washed over making a glassy slick on the water like LG
JP132 Koncept8.5 BP WS45
Mr Keen (33863km):
1868 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
After bit of floating around ENE filled in to around 15. Ended up being a great Friday Arvo sail with Glynn and later Trev, Rob & Chris.
Plenty of stops to clear weed off the fin, horrible smelly hairy weed that will tangle itself so cant shake it off. First world problem though..
Also got pecked by swooping Piwi on my hand whilst on the phone after, then it managed to get me head on, on the nose. Bit of blood but entertaining for some
Iso107, KA race 7.9, T38
Wile E. Coyote (2333km):
1868 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU
125 S/S 7.8 O/D 44 FIN
great arvo sailing with jason ,glynn,chris,mark,trevor