Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Andy Scott | | | | | | |
Fez | | | | | | |
Tim Sellars | | | | | | |
conan | | | | | | |
Boothy | | | | | | |
Mitchysg5 | | | | | | |
Adrian Levy |
Vlad |
rob |
nathan bowness |
Ferg |
Paulie |
craig cole |
Jorn |
Greg Lucas |
Conormate |
Cheif |
Big Gaz |
MaxF499 |
Jason Juretic |
Karl |
Cashews835 |
Dante |
Bert |
Alex |
Jimi |
Stuart |
Average | 38.72 | 34.86 | 18.93 | 21.88 | 29.38 | 105.35 |
Andy Scott (6895km):
1682 days ago 1 categories  Primbee, NSW, AU
Fez (20545km):
1682 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU Weird day for wind. On/off/on/off all day until I got out and then it kicked in. 1st sail on the W44 speed board with 4.9m. Lots of standing around and frustration with the accassional gust. Cold. Good to see Tim blazing when it kicked.
Tim Sellars (21760km):
1682 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
A very strange day wind up and down shifting every where, Than everyone got out than the wind pick up 35-40 kts and water level drop and
became flat water section to do some sending great afteroon session.
Only jet lag and good to see kenny back on the water in the big winds.
JP 73L, SV R8, UFO 22
conan (20241km):
1682 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU 0- 30 kts while i was out a lot of standing around ,choppy, but great to be out. the wind kicked back in after i got out ,
manta 59, 5.7 m2, 23 cm speed demon.
Boothy (5799km):
1682 days ago primbee 5.2 sv r7 49 speed board great to watch tim and jetlag on 6.2's sending it in 30-35kts
Mitchysg5 (8024km):
1682 days ago Budgewoi Lake, NSW, AU - 5.7 Naish, 87L Isonic, 19 Black Project
First Time sailing Budgewoi - Super Fun! At times the water was that flat, i was hesitant to gybe, but still did! Great to meet the central coast Team - Fast Sailers, looking forward to catching them with a better race sail 