Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
CHRISL | | | | | | |
mikey | | | | | | |
Mr Keen | | | | | | |
Boombuster | | | | | | |
Geoff Ringe | | | | | | |
ZbRider |
Jemo |
Chris |
Windsurfing Ninja |
Foily Mc Foil Head |
Martin Worling |
Wind Glider |
Trev |
Macey |
Wile E. Coyote |
Rob |
Starkode |
Dez |
musorianin |
marty |
Average | 36.62 | 34.55 | 21.83 | 22.43 | 29.47 | 105.28 |
CHRISL (2705km):
1507 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
mikey (16402km):
1507 days ago Shornecliffe, QLD, AU. With Jayson n Tristan playing lucky gust. 90/6/23
Mr Keen (35398km):
1506 days ago Shornecliffe, QLD, AU
Chasing gusts with Mikey & Tristan. Fairly consistant for Cabbage Tree creek, good fun although the stronger wind just didn't get in there...
FF106, Warp 6.2. TWS29
Boombuster (66962km):
1506 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
Gr8 sail apart from it being gusty and dying off a bit but better wind than I expected plus my foot went good thanks everyone for asking how my foot is.
Rig felt really good today and I stayed at five mile and sailed mostly Daffs courner.
Patrik95 KA Race7 Atomic Delta24

Geoff Ringe (46975km):
1506 days ago Lake George, SA, AU.
Great sail again, very happy.