Gerry (3394km):
1309 days ago 1 categories  Primbee, NSW, AU Wave Gear
A fun day .Started out with a 5.2 then after an hour was too overcooked and changed to 4.7. Got some good bearaways near the jetty . Got too wild around 1PM .
TERRY (45887km):
1308 days ago 1 categories  Primbee, NSW, AU Stronger westerly than yesterday, just hold on and point into the gale.
Tabou 3s 76l Loft wave 4.7
Eckers (12311km):
1308 days ago Primbee, NSW, AU
Survival Sailing.
Was lured to the lake by an inviting 22 knot average, gusting to 35 knots at about 2:15.
Arrived, rigged the 5.2 North Warp and Carbon Art Speedboard and headed out, only to be smashed by a solid 35 knots, gusting to 52 knots from 3:00 to 3:15. Dante and Leon also quickly pulled the pin at that point. Non stop white mist. A real struggle just to hold gear down in the water.
Anyway, felt it was my duty to sail and post in honour of all the usual crew who couldn't attend due to stay-at-home orders.
MT (22587km):
1308 days ago Paradise Beach, NSW, AU
On the water about 2pm and got the end of the westerly. Very gusty and fading fast by the time I finished with a lot of waiting around. I wish I had been just a few hours earlier. Anyway it was great to see Matt and new local Adrian enjoying the breeze. I had to learn where to bear away and the obstacles to avoid as I can't remember the last time I sailed Paradise Beach, it would have to be many many years.
5.8 evo7, 46cm wide Neil, 19cm 40 degree and then 50 degree weedies.