Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Davo | | | | | | |
Steve200 | | | | | | |
Ben | | | | | | |
Shane | | | | | | |
mkseven | | | | | | |
Vando |
Geoff Ringe |
BC |
Rolz |
Chriso |
Steve1001 |
Cocky |
Flashman |
Mr Keen |
Average | 31.43 | 29.68 | 19.44 | 20.66 | 23.99 | 50.59 |
Davo (11817km):
1111 days ago Wellington Point, QLD, AU JP82 8.6 turbo 47 Drake.
Out with Chris L and a couple of wingers Mikey & Glynn.
Was awesome past the reef.
Steve200 (37512km):
1111 days ago Scarborough, QLD, AU. JP 91, NP Evo 12 7.4 and Phantom 730.
Nice early morning sail on the high tide but not much wind. The 730 gets going in super light winds with a bit of pumping.
Ben (8673km):
1111 days ago 7.7 Duo
107 SB
37F Black Project
Woo hoo. Was going for an alpha and nailed a PB. Buddy is learning!
Out with Shane, Mark, Trev, and Co. Top day on the water, we just kept sailing until got a bit dark.
Few dodgems with some debri and a turtle that kept lettiing us know its there.
Wellington Point, QLD, AU
Shane (16804km):
1111 days ago 2 categories   A good session this afternoon as the SouthEaster stayed in fairly consistent. Early Autumn wind pattern.
The new Loft Racing Blade 5.6m2 sail arrived via courier just after lunch ahead of schedule today, so had time to slip in the RDM cams and try it out in the 16 - 18 knot+ conditions on water which was a bonus. Sail feels well balanced with good towing power and powerful acceleration. This sail feels very stable. Should have tried a smaller board, but was enjoying the sail too much to change over.
FF114 / Loft RaceBlade 5.6m2 / T29
Wellington Point, QLD, AU
mkseven (5355km):
1110 days ago 2 categories   Loft Blade 9.2, Falcon 140
Trying to get some form of sailing fitness back from bugger all sailing in last 2 months. Doesn't help taking out big kit, wind continued to build nicely for once.