GatorPete (125595km):
302 days ago Lake Cootharaba, Strange wind today, got up to 30kts about lunchtime then backed off to 15-20 NE for a while then picked up to 15-25 for an hour or so before slowly easing to unplaneable by 3.45. Out with Neil, Greg, Ken, Sam, Ken, Ray, Jason, Morris and a few ding dongs.
FOX 105 / JPW 28 / GATOR 6.5.
Walkman (6189km):
302 days ago Lake Cootharaba, QLD, AU
After over a week of foiling finally a windsurf session. Expectations were high from the multitude who turned up however the highly variable conditions around flukey wind and rough water made it a bit challenging. What to rig was high on the list of questions. I ended up on Fox 105 and 7 OD . Sail a bit overdone at the start but later on big holes and lulls meant underdone later on , underscored by a nice little dredge to finish.
Sailors - Pete , Greg , Jason , Sam , One-hung, Kingaray , Morris , unknown windsurfer and a few dings at various times