fordy007 (7898km):
414 days ago Elwood, VIC, AU
Dyno 85L, Point-7 5.3m, 22kn, water pretty rough, confused chop... Great to get back on the fin!
Tone (4321km):
414 days ago 1 categories  Lake Learmonth, VIC, AU 110L too small, resorted to 205 L barge (JP?) just to go out with 7.5m Koncept and 29cmMFC45°Weedy As tracks show not great in 9-12 kts S SSW inland waters, but always got fingers crossed for a great day...
still have not tried the south west shore

Dazman (121km):
414 days ago Yarrawonga, VIC, AU
10 - 15knts. SW Gusty conditions. Tested out the Bic Techno 293OD for the first half of the session then back on the barge. Go 165.
Go165, Techno 293OD, Severne Unit 7m.