Nauli (22262km):
370 days ago 7.0 M5; F-Race 100; Tribal D18....Coodanup
Well that was a struggle...first longish sail after stitches out from a 9cm cut on my arm to remove a skin cancer and still suffering a sore left hand from a bike crash about 5 weeks ago....poor old bastard!! I thought Coods would be a bit physically kinder today than Melville...which I'm sure it was, but still painful on my hand sailing upwind. The cut scar on my arm was fine issue at all.
Anyway, it was good to be back in the water but I really need to get my hand seen to - I don't think bashing upwind in chop really helped it. I guess it's just the ravages of old age, so I need to get used to it.....fark it!!