Andrew Haigh (50238km):
251 days ago Coal Point, NSW, AU.
Stingray 140, Flow 1500, Naish 5.4
Southerly 12-16
Cruisey southerly with Nic
MobZ (3116km):
251 days ago Lake George, SA, AU - Day 3 - Sail 3. Feeling the mental shifts sailing offers. Sure as duck poo i was done after first sail at 9am. Was bad. A bit east and choppy from 5 mile. Early bird got no worm today. I’d cleaned up and clothed and had called it. Then it looked like it changed, against what half my brain was saying (don’t go again, it will still be bad for you) i tried again, with the encouragement from others. Indeed. Good then! Each good go i’ve trusted others encouragement here. So, thanks for that good people. 🤙🏽
9am start f-race 120ltr - Ezzy 6.5 - 28ff No good. First out and i was not paying attention to the direction. Felt like i’d gone back to square one bouncing down wind out of harness.
Second go, guessing about 11am - same kit, good! Direction change.
Third go, soon after midday- frace still with 28, but gave my smallest sail a go to feel it out, 5.3 NP Combat. Since the fangy fin fun machine is working magic enough, i was not keen to try smaller board with the Delta. Felt pretty decent with small sail too.
Yes i dreamed driving down of a full house PB’s first day here. Full house and more has been achieved for the adventure allready though so i’m not worried about that now. More days to come hopefully.
Hanging with the duck shooters around the shore to shoot *video of sailors later. They don’t mind the sailors out there they say, but think they are beyond crazy in that shallow water at those speeds.