Flex (19245km):
254 days ago Boombas, WA, AU. Arrived with Boz chugging about on his 5.7 so rigged the 7m. Went out on yet another 3D printed fin experiement, this time a multi segment fin with a larger flexed chevron trailing edge which if worked will enable future tech. Stuck the rotating canard on for good measure and did a few laps. Decided to then drop the Canard and run the blank fin for comparison. Then, as there was zero flat water switched to the iSonic board to potentially handle the chop better. Rob, The Shroom, Gloria, Waricle and Pos all arrived.. Nice to finally get to meet you "The Shroom". Decided to get some zoomy Shroomy action with the drone since the wind wasn't doing anything spectacular. Then tried to get some on water shots of the Shroom but in the light wind he was a tough character to catch. Then was a glorious light wind saill in the sun and summer wettie. Boz kept heading over to Austin Bay so I followed but no sign of any flat water there, I risked 2 trips to the other side before deciding to stick to Roberts bay. Pos had other ideas and seemed to be on the tour de Mandurah being one moment at the far side of Austin bay then over at point Grey the next. Wind dropped and was a struggle to get going so needed to upsize. However, the sun had gone and everyone but Pos had called it so pulled the pin too. Hopefully Pos doesn't have a long chug back. Fin survived no probs which was a win. RRD xFire 102 then iSonic 97, KAR 7, multipart FF22 with flexy chevron
Pos (14422km):
254 days ago 1 categories Boombas, Pt Grey WA
Nice cruise down at Boombas today on the Windtech 64SB + 7.0 Ezzy Lion. Big long runs across the estuary on the NW'ster with a few crew down there... Boz, Flex, Waricle, Gloria, the Shroom. Good to be out on the water. Sure beats working!!
Slowboat (50109km):
254 days ago 2 categories Melville,
NWer... same gear and speeds as yesterday's NEer. Tribal 135, 7.7m apache, 41cm MK3
Good to see Jay and Steve getting some action. Very gusty as typical for NW with a few short 20kt bullets here and there. A lot of floating around compared to yesterday though... I don't normally go out if floating around is going to be a thing, but its the doldrums so I'll take it!