Eddy (24342km):
271 days ago  Port Douglas, QLD, AU. Got down the beach after work for happy hr with my mate Andrew had big 120 FOX and 7, 7.8m sails to choose from didn't know what the wind was gunna do so the rule is if in doubt' rig big' so thats what i did.. Rigged burnt out 7.8m with as much down haul as i could put on it and 44cm fin under trusty 120 Fox by the time i hit the water wind was a very solid 18kts with some good gust coming through..Sea was very choppy so it turned out to be a full on 'big kids' session.. i wished i had rigged a bit smaller, but you get that some times..Had a good solid blast with a bit to much sail up Fox ran sweet the whole time and never put a foot wrong..I dropped a few gybes from being a bit over powered in a very choppy sea which annoyed me a bit..Had to stay totally focused and locked in on every gybe which is not some thing i usually have to do..A big rain squal was building on the horizon just before sun down and everything was going to turn ugly,and i was getting a bit low on fuel so i pulled up a bit early..Andrew got a nice little session in on big Fox with a 6.6m rig..i guess it was worth rigging up for..all good fun. Cheers ED..