Flex (19138km):
189 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU. Arrived late to the party with Antman and Boz hard at work. Was expecting another on/off session but turned out to be a very pleasant day in the sun with steady breeze. One mega squall came through with blinding rain and then wind eased off so we all high tailed it out of there. Breeze came back so probably could have gone longer but was enough. iSonic 86, KAR 5.7, FF22 Warp V2
Boz (44991km):
189 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU
Was going to stay home today but Ant sent a txt that hes at the Chook so decided to keep him company. Flex also rocked up and it was a better than expected dasy. Steady wind one big squall but we were all out of position to make the most of it but can't ask for anything better, also when you can sail straight out of the pond it's a bonus
Antman (25330km):
189 days ago Boundary Island, Peel Estuary, WA, AU
Dawn patrol lkn for left overs,turned out cld have rocked up later as wind filled in nicely with a few good powerd squalls.Good sharing the runs with Boz and Jim :) Powerd by the 6.3 SCR,53 Rapid,25, ws