Pos (14422km):
154 days ago 2 categories South Yunderup, WA AU
A bit of a recce down to Yunbas today. Almost got cleaned up by a decent sized weedburg so decided to call it quits after an hour or so. First time down that way for some time - lots of weedburgs about and very hard to see them when overcast AND with polarised googles on. Beware anyone who ventures down there. I managed to avoid most of them but had a couple of very close calls.
Windtech CM + 7.0 Ezzy Lion, 21cm Pepe Delta.
Boz (44991km):
154 days ago 2 categories Coodanup, WA, AU
Another fun session. Joined by Rob from Man Mob. We both started on the outside of the chook with some nice runs accross the chop with not too bad wind strenght, probably this was the time we should have been in the Pond. Anyway we eventually got into the pond but I went in with the 27 WS I was using on the outside, probably not the best fin choice for the water depth and snotty nose weed arouns. Eventually went back outside completed a few more runs while the wind was booting, all in all a fun day and not too cold either.
Fanatic 56 KAR 5.7 WS 27
Flex (19138km):
154 days ago 1 categories Lake Ninan. Recon day with all my mates to Baandee lake but despite reasonable rainfall the water depth was same as back in March and only ankle deep so headed to backup plan lake Ninan. Waded out and within 30m was knee deep so started rigg'n. According to Willy weather the wind was only 15kts so started rigging 7m but some extreme gusts came through and thankfully downsized. Basic plan was to check water depth throughout and head up towards the sandbar and check the smooth. Water depth was knee deep but closer to the sides was closer to 30cm so each gybe ground a few mm off the fin and usually involved stopping to limit the damage. The whole lake was pretty flat thanks to the shallow water. There was some big bullets over 25kts and up near the sandbar water was dead smooth but didn't push my luck sailing alone. Ground the 3d printed fin down the to the mast and decided to call it. In hindsight should have gone out on the small board with the 18 Al fin but today wasn't the day. iSonic97, KAR 5.7, FF22V1warp