Boz (44991km):
145 days ago 2 categories Coodanup, WA, AU
Just lonesome me at Coods, played the outside with the old 5.5 KAR, been in the hangers for a while so bit brittle, bottom panel blew out. Continued sailing on the blown out sail was having too much fun. Came in for a break and thought might rig the 5.2 and hope for a squall to come through. Wasn't too long wind booted in nicely pulling 35 - 36 on the outside of the chook. Might have left it a bit too late to head into the pond was good but only one real bullet to get the top speed, the rest a nice cruisy ttime. Surprised water level tide was 0.9 1-2 meter from the ocks but no problems with the 27WS, so nice sailing on a proper fin and not a delta. More fun hopefully tomorrow morning.
FANATIC 56 KAR5.5 (Retired) KAR 5.2 Last one standing WS 27