Flex (19138km):
133 days ago Coodanup, WA, AU Richo tried to talk me out of it but I went anyway. On arrival was sunny and looked at least like a nice cruise but not much more. Ben arrived for a chat and watched me go out but obviously not inspired as he soon took off. A big dark squall looked promising but turned out to just be rain. Rain stopped, and so did wind which died to zero so gave up. Oddly the dial was saying 14-19kts but not even the leaves were rustling. Highlight was hanging out with a couple of dolphins. Should have taken Richo's advice and sat by the fire and caught up with the knitting. iSonic 97, FAR7, FF22 Warp V2
Slowboat (50065km):
133 days ago Melville
WNW then WSW then WNW again!
Radix 110 Apache 7.0m MK2 36
Good fun in the gusts, a bit underdone the rest. Some good runs and interesting chop challenges here and there, with some really smooth stuff at times (but not with the wind to send it). Scott, Kwon, Lachy, and langer out for company.
Stretch (31979km):
133 days ago Glory Holes, Australind, WA, AU. Underdone, should have rigged bigger everything. My bad...