Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
Woody-Mark | | | | | | |
Rondog | | | | | | |
Flex | | | | | | |
Antman | | | | | | |
Richo 72 | | | | | | |
Pos | | | | | | |
Boz | | | | | | |
Pointman |
Slowboat |
Doddi |
Jay |
Stretch |
kai |
Al |
Tim |
Lucca |
Average | 39.40 | 37.94 | 21.90 | 27.79 | 35.15 | 225.76 |
Woody-Mark (16200km):
132 days ago 2 categories   Albany, WA, AU
Great day wtih top blokes and the 1st session of the Albany season. Spent the time tuning the new Patrick 6.2 on the FMX98 and MarkOZ52. Works well on both. Plenty of control and power. A pb alpha on the 98FMX with the Patrick which was quicker than the 52 surprisingly.
Rondog (11574km):
132 days ago 2 categories   Albany, WA, AU
great day with great bunch of sailors at my home front.
hope tomorrow more.
54/47 wave wand-6.3warp-16delta
Flex (20553km):
132 days ago Albany, WA, AU. Last to join the party in paradise with all the usual suspects and a few new faces. Had a new fin to test but was very shallow so decided to delay testing for another time. Had a couple of cracks at the NM but teabags got in the way down the end. Got 100km, came in as Boz went out again...didn't realise he was going for distance. iSonic97, KAR5.7, FF22(18)
Antman (26537km):
132 days ago 2 categories   Albany, WA, AU
Stoked to get back down to the Albany flats and stoked to share it with a top crew. Powerd by the 6.3 Reflex,53 Rapid,18 Delta.
Richo 72 (6618km):
132 days ago Albany, WA, AU
Big day at Albany with great crew on da water. Great to meet Jayden and think he has fallen for Albany like so many others.
Tide was only good for a short time before it became draggy but the wind was consistent and with the sun out it was just magical.
I was surprised my body allowed me to stay on da water for a PB of 150 kms. Dodge hip and due for a hip replacement soon and tennis elbow , cramps and a dodge shoulder yet I was determined to get 150 so I pat myself on da back 👏. Tomorrow should be even better but I’ll pace myself.
FMX 88ltr and 74ltr
Loft R/Blade 6.9 and 6.3
Delta 20 and 16
‘Living da Dream’ 👍😎🤟
Pos (15022km):
131 days ago Albany, WA, AU
Nice session with a big crew at Lilacs. Started out on Windtech 9'8" with 6.1 Loft SpeedBlade then switched to CA 49 speed board. Heaps of fun. Looking forward to another big day tomorrow.
Boz (46967km):
131 days ago 2 categories   Albany, WA, AU
Big crew, cruise day today, bit draggy but lots of fun. Good seeing everyone enjoying the session.
AV 52 KAR 6.3/5.7/5.2