Kev (783km):
22 days ago 1 categories Nerong (Myall Lakes)
E 5-15 knots
FFF200, Sailworks 6.5m, Axis 1099.
Early one today. Wind filling in as I come in but that's the way it goes.
Lots of dead spots today. Some big windshifts at times with hardly any boats about.
Managed to fly the top bay (about 500m) which is a lottery at best anytime.
MobZ (4520km):
22 days ago 1 categories Jimmy's beach, nsw. 1pm session- foil with 5.3 and JP SLW, bit overpowered, but fun. 5pm session- RSOne, 8.5 Ezzy Cheetah, 55cm - bliss. If it was only one kit for here, this would for be it for me. Love this board.
Only 4 days off sailing for me this month. It's been busy
GeoffS (8268km):
22 days ago Marmong Point, NSW, AU
JP HydroFoil 155 Flow 1500 with Duotone 220 rear Sailworks 7.1
Wild day at work. More bullets than the OK Corral. Some gusts were just ballistic, but mangaed to survive.
Tried a new rear wing, thanks Dave, but my tinnitus is way better than the scream from that wing.
Overall a good day with Glenn, Tibor, Bear and I with Gurt and John on wing.