Tone (3986km):
3 days ago Lake George, SA, AU, 15-20plus kts SW 80ltr iSonic, 5.0m Koncept, 25cm WeedWeapon, three spinout before a coupla bear-offs, rrrrr still not great speeds, reached a limit?
Dsnny, Dizzy, jayden took off about midday, I went out 1pm after thinking long, set the 80l up as not really speedboard type wind, long walk out this time and back longer. No weed, deep mud about foot or so under surface. spun out a few times, no glass, chop not too bad towards kevs corner. dizzy and vauchy got great speeds bstds. I did apparently not bag the 5m out enough, but still did not want to go out of control. i dunno
kato (37902km):
3 days ago Inverloch, VIC, AU Wooo Hoo' 20Kt 5x10. I did cheat a bit by buying a smaller foil but I was surprised by the 2 sec. So close to 25 , so I guess thats the next goal. Narrowed the fuselarge as well in prep for buying a 66 down the track. Might have to change the 6 for a 5.5 as well at some time but it goes back this week as the new bit has arrived to repair the 6. Looks good for the rest of the week for more wind.
Smik 6, Fanatic 800, Dutone Unit 5.5