Sailor |
2 Second Peak (Kts) | 5 x 10 Second Average (Kts) | 1 Hour (Kts) | Alpha Racing 500m (Kts) | Nautical Mile (Kts) | Distance Travelled (km) |
evilC | | | | | | |
Drifter | | | | | | |
Dizzy | | | | | | |
Michaelb | | | | | | |
Shannon | | | | | | |
Scotty | | | | | | |
Geoff Ringe | | | | | | |
Tony | | | | | | |
Ryno | | | | | | |
SeanV |
Vachy |
Carl Del-Favero |
Average | 36.12 | 34.58 | 20.81 | 24.77 | 28.54 | 124.12 |
evilC (66750km):
8 days ago Manly, QLD, AU
Falcon 99, Warp 5.8, Tribal 34
A bit more wind than yesterday and my sore thigh got a nice massage from the high tide chop which actually made it feel better 
Drifter (26004km):
8 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
F97, W7.0, TWS29
Enjoyed the mud bath and catching up with the crew after the big drive down.
Dizzy (21183km):
8 days ago 2 categories   Lake George, SA, AU
FF115 Duotone 6.8 TSW29
Great crew at the lake 👍
Michaelb (710km):
8 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
FF 121
S Pace 6.6
TSW 33
Quick sail after the long drive down to blow out the cobwebs.
Shannon (17452km):
8 days ago Lake George, SA, AU
Sick as a dog
Tribal 118lt..tsws31..Evo7.4
Scotty (12411km):
8 days ago 1 categories  Lake George, SA, AU
Fantastic first day
Geoff Ringe (46705km):
8 days ago Lake George, SA, AU ,Fancon 99, Duotone Warp 7.0, great to back at LG
Tony (37936km):
8 days ago 1 categories  Tribal Rapid 53 TWS 23 DTW 5.8 bit small for conditions
Lake George, SA, AU
Ryno (433km):
7 days ago Manly, QLD, AU Simmer 3XS 116, Warp 6.8, Volt 36