Nauli (22132km):
4 days ago 7.0 M5; F-Race 100; 27 WS ....Coodan-up (or was it Coodan-DOWN)....Waricle for company.
The breeze looked "promiising" when Waricle and I rigged. Got a just on the plane for my first run the spent the next half hour floating about while Waricle was planing around on his big board. About to come in and managed to get ONE little gust which I milked for the 2 sec, 10 sec and (just got) NM.
Note to self: Always take bigger board and sail when travelling to Mandurah. 7.0 and 100L were waaay to small for a senior gentleman of my stature. You live and learn, but I probably won't (learn that is)
Anyway, a poor sail is always better than gardening or other home chores.