Nauli (22217km):
18 hours ago 7.0 M5; F-Race 100; Tribal 27WS....Coodanup
Well that was a bummer....sailed for a few hours in light breeze. Spent half the time standing or grovelling & got a couple of just powered runs. Came in about 4:30 cos I had enough of the light breeze and within 10 min the wind magically started to pick up...significantly. Within about 20 min it had effectively doubled (25 knots +) as a mini cold front with rain came thru. The upside is that had I stayed out in my buggered state the 7.0 would have been a bigt handful. Ah well what couldc have been. Sailed with Fingers, Gloria, Rob, Barry, Richo, DSavo etc. Antman got it right - hit the water exactly as it picked up and Richo went out again.